
Silicon steel

Low Iron Loss High Grate Cold Rolled Silicon Steel With The Uniform Fitness And Width

   The magnetism of oriented silicon steel has strong directionality, and the iron loss value is the lowest, the magnetic permeability is the highest, and the magnetic inductance value is high under a certain magnetizing field. Oriened silicon steel has a silicon content of about 3% and requires a low oxide inclusion content in the steel, as well as ome kind of inhibitor.Oriented silicon steel is smelted by oxygen converter, and the billet is rolled into the thickness of the finished product by hot rolling, normalization, cold rolling, intermediate annealing and secondary cold rolling, and then decarburized annealing and high temperature annealing, and finally coated with an insulating layer.

    Grain-free cold rolled strip is usually used as the core of motors or welding transformers, etc.; Grain-oriented cold-rolled strip is used as the core of power transformers, pulse transformers, and magnetic amplifiers, among others. Cold rolled oriented thin silicon steel strip is made of 0.30 or 0.35mm thick oriented silicon steel strip and then pickled, cold-rolled and annealed.


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