
  • Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Crgo Electrical Steel Strips For Magnetic Transformer
  • Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Crgo Electrical Steel Strips For Magnetic Transformer
  • Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Crgo Electrical Steel Strips For Magnetic Transformer
  • Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Crgo Electrical Steel Strips For Magnetic Transformer
  • Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Crgo Electrical Steel Strips For Magnetic Transformer
  • Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Crgo Electrical Steel Strips For Magnetic Transformer
Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Crgo Electrical Steel Strips For Magnetic Transformer Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Crgo Electrical Steel Strips For Magnetic Transformer Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Crgo Electrical Steel Strips For Magnetic Transformer Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Crgo Electrical Steel Strips For Magnetic Transformer Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Crgo Electrical Steel Strips For Magnetic Transformer Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Crgo Electrical Steel Strips For Magnetic Transformer

Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Crgo Electrical Steel Strips For Magnetic Transformer

Electrical steel, also known as silicon steel sheet, is an essential soft magnetic alloy in power, electronics, and military industries. It is also the largest production metal functional material and is mainly used as the iron core for various motors, generators, and transformers. Its production process is complex, manufacturing technology is strict, and foreign production technology is protected in the form of patents, regarded as the life of the enterprise. The manufacturing technology and product quality of electrical steel plates are important indicators for measuring the level of special steel production and technological development in a country.


Oriented electrical steel, also known as cold-rolled oriented silicon steel, refers to cold-rolled electrical steel containing 2.9% to 3.5% Si, with a certain regularity and direction in the crystal structure of the steel plate. Oriented electrical steel is an indispensable soft magnetic material in the power industry, mainly used in industries such as transformers, rectifiers, reactors, and large motors.


Oriented electrical steel is an indispensable soft magnetic material in the power industry, mainly used in various types of industries such as rectifiers, transformers, reactors, and large motors, for manufacturing iron cores for various types of transformers.

3.Ingredient Standard Content

Cold rolled oriented silicon steel refers to cold-rolled electrical steel containing 2.9% to 3.5% Si, with a certain regularity and direction in the crystal structure of the steel plate. The carbon content shall not exceed 0.08%, and may contain no more than 1.0% aluminum. The proportion of other elements does not give it the characteristics of other alloy steels; Thickness not exceeding 0.56 millimeters; If it is in a roll shape, it can be of any width; If it is in the shape of a plate, its width is at least ten times the thickness.

4.Production Process

Oriented electrical steel: ore- ironmaking-steelmaking-hot-rolled-pickling-cold-rolled-annealed-cold-rolled silicon steel (oriented electrical steel)   

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