Iron Core

Low Noise High Performance And Magnetism Iron Core With Higher Permeability

  In the normal operation of the transformer, the electric field formed between the live windings and leads and the

 fuel tank is an uneven electric field, and the iron core and its metal parts are in this electric field. Since the potential

 of electrostatic induction is different, so that the core and its metal parts have different levitation potential, when 

the potential difference between the two points reaches a point where the insulation can be broken through, 

a spark discharge occurs.

  This discharge is able to decompose the oil of the transformer and damage the solid insulation. The core mustbe grounded a little. When the core or other metal components have two or more points of grounding.         

   Aclosed loop will be formed between the grounding points, forming a circulation, the current can sometimes beas high as tens of amperes, which will cause local overheating, lead to oil decomposition, and may also make the

grounding piece fuse, burn the core, these are not allowed. Therefore, the core must be grounded, and it must be

 grounded a little.


Contact Us

Contact: Tianjin Delda Trading Co., Ltd

WhatsApp: +86 13022268465

Tel: +86 13022268465


Add: 55-302 Xiaoyuan New Village, Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone, China