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Durable Stable Performance Brazilian Standard Transformer Bushing

Transformer bushings are crucial components in electrical transformers, serving the vital function of providing electrical insulation and mechanical support for high-voltage conductors within the transformer. These bushings play a critical role in ensuring the safe and efficient operation of electrical power systems.

Purpose: The primary purpose of transformer bushings is to provide a reliable electrical connection between the transformer windings and the external electrical circuit while maintaining insulation between them. They allow high-voltage conductors to pass through the transformer's casing without compromising the integrity of the insulation system.

Features: Transformer bushings are designed to withstand high electrical voltages and mechanical stresses. They are typically constructed with materials that exhibit excellent electrical insulation properties, such as porcelain, epoxy resin, or composite materials. Additionally, they are often equipped with features such as corona shields and grading rings to enhance their electrical performance and reduce the risk of electrical discharge.

Materials: Transformer bushings can be made from various materials depending on the specific application and voltage requirements. Porcelain bushings, for example, are commonly used in medium to high-voltage transformers due to their excellent electrical properties and mechanical strength. Epoxy resin and composite bushings are preferred for their lighter weight and resistance to environmental factors such as moisture and pollution.

Manufacturing Process: The manufacturing process of transformer bushings involves several steps, including molding, firing (in the case of porcelain bushings), and assembly. For porcelain bushings, the raw materials are mixed, shaped into the desired form, and then fired at high temperatures to achieve the necessary strength and insulation properties. Epoxy resin and composite bushings are typically manufactured using molding techniques, where the resin or composite material is poured into molds and cured to form the final product.

In conclusion, transformer bushings are essential components in electrical transformers, providing electrical insulation and mechanical support for high-voltage conductors. With their robust design, reliable performance, and diverse material options, transformer bushings play a critical role in ensuring the safe and efficient operation of electrical power systems.




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Contact: Tianjin Delda Trading Co., Ltd

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Tel: +86 13022268465


Add: 55-302 Xiaoyuan New Village, Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone, China