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Cold-rolled grain-oriented silicon steel possesses the following performance characteristics:

1. High magnetic permeability: Optimized grain orientation facilitates easy passage of magnetic flux in a specific direction, thereby enhancing magnetic permeability. This makes it more efficient in electromagnetic devices such as motors and transformers.

2. Low magnetic hysteresis loss: Cold-rolled grain-oriented silicon steel exhibits excellent magnetic hysteresis characteristics, rapidly responding to changes in magnetic field, thereby reducing hysteresis loss and improving device efficiency.

3. Low eddy current loss: The optimized grain orientation structure also helps in reducing eddy current loss. Eddy currents, induced circular currents in the material due to magnetic flux, generate heat. By optimizing grain orientation, eddy current loss can be minimized, enhancing material efficiency.

4. Good processing properties: Cold-rolled grain-oriented silicon steel typically features good processing properties, allowing for shaping through methods such as cold rolling and stretching to meet various shape and size requirements.

5. Excellent thermal stability: Cold-rolled grain-oriented silicon steel maintains stable magnetic properties even at high temperatures, ensuring reliability in high-temperature environments.

In summary, cold-rolled grain-oriented silicon steel, with its outstanding magnetic properties and low losses, holds promising applications in fields such as power and electronics.



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Contact: Tianjin Delda Trading Co., Ltd

WhatsApp: +86 13022268465

Tel: +86 13022268465


Add: 55-302 Xiaoyuan New Village, Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone, China