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Amorphous Iron Cores

Report on Amorphous Iron Cores

1. What are Amorphous Iron Cores?

Amorphous iron cores are soft magnetic materials made from amorphous metal alloys, typically composed of elements such as silicon, iron, and boron. They are prepared using rapid solidification techniques, preventing the formation of a crystalline structure during solidification, thereby creating an amorphous state. This non-crystalline structure imparts excellent magnetic properties and high permeability to the material.

2. Advantages of Amorphous Iron Cores

Low Losses: Amorphous iron cores exhibit extremely low hysteresis and eddy current losses, making them ideal for high-frequency applications.

High Saturation Induction: Amorphous iron cores have a high saturation induction, allowing for high magnetic flux density in a smaller volume.

Good Magnetic Permeability: Amorphous iron cores possess excellent magnetic permeability, suitable for manufacturing efficient power transformers and inductors.

Corrosion Resistance: Amorphous iron cores demonstrate good corrosion resistance, enabling stable operation in harsh environments.

3. Applications

Amorphous iron cores are widely used in the following areas:

Power Transformers: In power systems, amorphous iron cores are used to manufacture efficient and lightweight transformers, improving energy transmission efficiency.

Electronic Devices: They are used in the production of high-frequency transformers, inductors, and power coils for electronic components, enabling miniaturization and efficient designs.

Electric Vehicles: In electric vehicles, amorphous iron cores can be used to manufacture efficient electric motors, enhancing the efficiency of propulsion systems.

4. Development Trends

With increasing demand for efficient and compact power systems and electronic devices, amorphous iron cores, as a new type of soft magnetic material, have vast application prospects and development potential. Future research will focus on further improving the preparation techniques of amorphous iron cores, optimizing material properties, and expanding their applications into emerging fields.


Amorphous iron cores, as a revolutionary soft magnetic material, are poised to play a crucial role in the fields of power and electronics. Their emergence presents new opportunities for advancements in modern industrial technology, potentially driving improvements in energy efficiency and innovation in electrical equipment.



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Add: 55-302 Xiaoyuan New Village, Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone, China