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Flat aluminum wire

Transformer paper wrapped flat aluminum wire is a commonly used wire material for transformer windings, consisting of paper insulated aluminum flat wire. Compared with traditional circular wires, paper coated aluminum flat wires have the following characteristics:

1. Large conductivity area: The flat shape of paper coated aluminum flat wire makes its conductivity area relatively large, and can transmit larger currents under the same cross-sectional area.

2. Low resistance: Paper wrapped aluminum flat wires are made of high-purity aluminum material, which has a lower resistance and can reduce energy loss.

3. Good heat dissipation performance: Paper wrapped aluminum flat wires have a relatively large heat dissipation area due to their flat shape, which can better dissipate heat and improve the heat dissipation effect of transformers.

4. Lightweight: Compared to copper wires, aluminum wires have a lower density, so paper wrapped aluminum flat wires are relatively lightweight, which can reduce the weight of transformers.

5. Relatively low price: Aluminum is relatively cheap compared to copper, so paper wrapped aluminum flat wire is more cost-effective compared to paper wrapped copper flat wire.

Paper wrapped aluminum flat wires are widely used in various types of transformer windings, which can meet the current transmission and heat dissipation needs of different transformers.



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