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Oil level indicator for transformer

The transformer oil level indicator is a device used to measure the oil level of a transformer. The oil in a transformer is an important medium for cooling and insulation, so maintaining an appropriate oil level is crucial for the normal operation of the transformer.

The transformer oil level gauge usually consists of a transparent glass tube and two joints connecting the upper and lower parts of the oil tank. The principle of an oil level gauge is to use the liquid level height in the pipeline to indicate the level of oil.

When installing a transformer oil level gauge, one end of the connector is connected to the bottom of the transformer oil tank, and the other end of the connector is connected to the top of the transformer oil tank. When the oil level in the transformer rises, the oil will enter the oil level gauge through the pipeline, and the liquid level will rise in the glass tube. By observing the liquid level in the glass tube, it can be determined whether the oil level in the transformer is normal.

For the convenience of reading the oil level, a scale line is usually marked on the glass tube to indicate the height of different oil levels. At the same time, there will also be a pointer or mark on the oil level gauge to indicate the current position of the oil level.

The installation position of the transformer oil level gauge should be selected in a position that is easy to observe and read, in order to timely monitor the changes in the transformer oil level. Regularly check the oil level of the transformer and supplement or drain the oil as needed to maintain the oil level within the normal range and ensure the normal operation of the transformer.

It should be noted that the transformer oil level indicator can only be used to measure the oil level of the transformer and cannot be used to measure the quality or other properties of the oil. For oil quality monitoring of transformers, other specialized devices and methods need to be used.



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