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High Voltage High Quality ANSI Standard Transformer Bushing

High-voltage transformer bushings play a critical role in electrical transmission systems by providing a sealed passage for electrical conductors while insulating them from the transformer tank. In the United States, these bushings adhere to rigorous standards to ensure reliability and safety in power distribution networks.

Key Features:

  1. Material Composition: Typically made from porcelain or composite materials, these bushings offer high electrical insulation and mechanical strength.

  2. Design and Construction: They are designed to withstand high electrical stress and environmental conditions. The design includes features to minimize electrical losses and maintain insulation integrity over the transformer's operational lifespan.

  3. Standard Compliance: Bushings manufactured in the U.S. adhere to national standards such as ANSI (American National Standards Institute) C29 series, which specify dimensions, electrical characteristics, and performance requirements.

  4. Application: Used in various types of transformers, including power transformers and distribution transformers, these bushings facilitate the safe and efficient transmission of electricity across different voltage levels.

  5. Insulation and Sealing: The bushings are equipped with reliable insulation systems and sealing techniques to prevent leakage and ensure operational safety.


American standard high-voltage transformer bushings are crucial components in electrical infrastructure, ensuring the efficient and safe distribution of electricity. Their adherence to strict standards underscores their reliability and suitability for diverse applications in the power industry.



Contact Us

Contact: Tianjin Delda Trading Co., Ltd

WhatsApp: +86 13022268465

Tel: +86 13022268465


Add: 55-302 Xiaoyuan New Village, Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone, China