Company News

Low Loss High Conductivity Amorphous Iron Core

At the heart of every electronic device lies the iron core, meticulously crafted within the confines of our state-of-the-art facilities. Here, innovation takes center stage as our team of experts harnesses cutting-edge technology and decades of expertise to engineer cores that exceed industry standards. From concept to creation, each core undergoes a journey of refinement and optimization, resulting in a masterpiece of precision engineering.

What sets our iron core apart is not just its technical superiority, but its unwavering reliability in the face of demanding conditions. Built to withstand extremes of temperature, pressure, and electromagnetic stress, our cores ensure uninterrupted performance, even in the harshest environments. This reliability forms the cornerstone of our reputation, earning the trust of clients worldwide who rely on our cores to power their most critical applications.

But our commitment to excellence extends beyond performance metrics; it is ingrained in every aspect of our core's design and production. Through continuous research and development, we push the boundaries of innovation, constantly refining our designs to enhance efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and minimize environmental impact. Moreover, our adherence to stringent quality control measures guarantees consistency and uniformity across every core we produce, setting a benchmark for excellence in the industry.



Contact Us

Contact: Tianjin Delda Trading Co., Ltd

WhatsApp: +86 13022268465

Tel: +86 13022268465


Add: 55-302 Xiaoyuan New Village, Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone, China