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Oriented silicon steel

Oriented silicon steel is a special type of electrical steel with high permeability and low hysteresis loss, widely used in power equipment such as transformers, motors, and generators. The orientation effect of oriented silicon steel is mainly reflected in the orientation arrangement of its grains.

The grains of oriented silicon steel undergo special processing during the manufacturing process, making the grain orientation more orderly. The orientation arrangement of grains can make the propagation of magnetic flux lines smoother in the material, reduce the scattering and rotation of magnetic flux lines, and thus improve the magnetic permeability of the material. Magnetic permeability is the ability of a material to respond to magnetic fields, and oriented silicon steel has a high magnetic permeability, which can effectively reduce magnetic losses in power equipment.

In addition, the grain orientation of oriented silicon steel can also reduce the hysteresis loss of the material. Hysteresis loss is the energy loss generated by a material during magnetic field changes. The grain orientation of oriented silicon steel can make the internal magnetic domain walls of the material move more smoothly during magnetic field changes, reducing the generation of hysteresis loss.

In short, the orientation effect of oriented silicon steel can improve the material's magnetic permeability and reduce hysteresis loss, thereby improving the efficiency and performance of power equipment.



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